Getting My Phone Stolen in Paris!
Probably shouldn’t have started with that. Anywhoo I was lucky enough to take a train from UK to Paris via Eurostar, and we got there in like 2.5 hours. I think we were there for the weekend, maybe 3 days. We were able to see all of the highlights - The Louvre, Mona Lisa herself, Palace of Versailles, Arc de Triumph, the Eiffel Tower - and we ate some Macaroons as well. And for me personally, that was enough. I was tired after getting my phone stolen, cause at 18 that was the end of the world for me.
Getting my phone stolen here was nothing crazy either, I literally got on the subway, reached into my pocket, and realized it was gone. I had it on the platform before we got onto the subway since I was checking the subway map. There was nothing to do but accept it to be honest, and to this day (sometime in November 2024) it still says its in France. It was an iPhone X.
On another note, we went to Paris in March 2020, right before the official lockdowns started, There were signs to wear masks in Charles de Gaulle Airport, but at the time we really didn’t think much of it and thought it was an overreaction on France’s part (typical American mentality). But we know how that went.
*Sorry for the outdated quality on these pictures, they were taken on my mother’s iPhone 6 so I tried my best